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Current Editorial Board


Shaji Kumar, MD
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN

Contributing Editors

Ajai Chari, MD
University of California San Francisco School of Medicine
San Francisco, CA

Elizabeth Courville, MD
University of Virginia School of Medicine
Charlottesville, VA

Alex Herrera, MD
City of Hope Medical Center
Duarte, CA

Kate A. Markey, MBBS, PhD
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center and The University of Washington
Seattle, WA

Christine McMahon, MD
University of Colorado
Boulder, CO

Lori Muffly, MD, MS
Stanford University
Stanford, CA

Loretta J. Nastoupil, MD
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, TX

Lauren P. Pommert, MD, MS
Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Cincinnati, OH

Bethan Psaila, MD
Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, University of Oxford
Oxford, UK

Michael Scott, MD
St. Michael's Hospital (Unity Health Toronto) and the University of Toronto
London, UK

Surbhi Shah, MD
Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
Phoenix, AZ

Samuel Wilson, MD, MSCR
UNC School of Medicine
Chapel Hill, NC

Senior Managing Editor

Sean Loughlin
2021 L Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036

Editorial Coordinator

IK David
2021 L Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036

Previous Editorial Boards

The following individuals have previously served on the Editorial Board of The Hematologist.

Previous Editors-in-Chief

Laura C. Michaelis, MD
Peter D. Emanuel, MD
Jason Gotlib, MD, MS
Charles J. Parker, MD
Andrew I. Schafer, MD
Roy L. Silverstein, MD

Previous Contributing Editors, 2004-2023

Omar Abdel-Wahab, MD
Charles S. Abrams, MD
Kenneth C. Anderson, MD
Nancy C. Andrews, MD, PhD
Pamela S. Becker, MD, PhD
John C. Byrd, MD
Nelson J. Chao, MD
Theresa Coetzer, PhD
Adam Cuker, MD, MS
Michael DeBaun, MD, MPH
Amy Dezern, MD, MHS
Peter D. Emanuel, MD
Stephen G. Emerson, MD, PhD
Robert C. Flaumenhaft, MD, PhD
David Garcia, MD
Tracy I. George, MD
Irene M. Ghobrial, MD
Jason Gotlib, MD, MMSc
Steven Grant, MD
Robert Hasserjian, MD
Jonathan Hoggatt, PhD
Damon Houghton, MD
Caron Jacobson, MD
Peter Johnson, MD, FRCP
Brad Kahl, MD
Kenneth Kaushansky
Sioban Keel, MD
Annette S. Kim, MD, PhD
Mark J. Koury, MD
Diane Krause, MD, PhD
Peter Kurre, MD
Ann LaCasce, MD, MSc
Steven Lane, MBBS, PhD, FRACP, FRCPA
Peter P. Lee, MD
Xavier Leleu, MD, PhD
Michael L. Linenberger, MD
Lori-Ann Linkins, MD, MSc, FRCPC
John S. Lollar III
Robert Lowsky, MD
Adam Mead, MD, PhD
Stephan Moll, MD
Paul Moss, MBBS, PhD, FRCP
Kristin M. O'Dwyer, MD
Ifeyinwa (Ify) Osunkwo, MD, MPH
Charles J. Parker, MD
Lilli Petruzzelli, MD, PhD
Josef T. Prchal, MD
Charles T. Quinn, MD, MS
Jerald Radich, MD
Elizabeth Raetz, MD
Margaret V. Ragni, MD, MPH
Noopur Raje, MD
David Rees, MD
J. Douglas Rizzo, MD
Andrew Roberts, MBBS, PhD
Daniel Rosenblum, MD
Andrew I. Schafer, MD
Samuel M. Silver, MD, PhD
Roy L. Silverstein, MD
Gerard Socie, MD, PhD
David P. Steensma, MD
Sarah Tasian, MD
David Teachey, MD
Eric Tseng, MD
Saad Usmani, MD
Gregory M. Vercellotti, MD
Michael E. Williams, MD
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