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Ask The Hematologist
Expert opinion focused on challenging diagnostic and management issues.

Clinical Trials Corner
Insightful critiques and informed commentary of important ongoing clinical trials.

Concise reviews of hematology-related journal articles by Members of the Board of Contributing Editors. Articles of interest are gleaned from the world literature with a goal of keeping readers informed of high-impact developments both in clinical and basic research.

In-depth articles meant to serve as a resource for practitioners researchers, and early-career hematologists.

Headlines From Washington
ASH members share their experiences doing advocacy work for the Society, patients, and the field of hematology.

ASH Image Bank Challenge
Interactive quizzes that test readers' knowledge of different hematologic or related conditions.

In Memoriam
ASH members remember colleagues who have passed and commemorate their remarkable careers.

Letters to the Editor
Letters written in response to editorials or on any subject of interest to our readers.

Mini Review
A concise review of a topic that illustrates the relationship of basic research to clinical hematology.

News and Reports
Society news and updates.

No Data Zone
Expert contributions spotlighting areas of hematology that lack data.

Off the Shelf
Personal essays on books that have provided a new perspective for hematologists' clinical and research work.

Op Ed
Invited opinion pieces written by leaders of the hematology community.

President's Column
An update from the ASH president about Society initiatives and events.

Brief memoirs written by respected members of the Society recounting inspiring careers in hematology.

Program Genealogies
A thorough look at the history of impressive hematology programs at different institutions and how they have evolved.

Year's Best
Thoughtful commentaries on several of the most meaningful hematologic breakthroughs of the year, written by editors of The Hematologist and selected guest experts.

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