Abstract 4251
Kinase domain (KD) mutations are associated with resistance to Imatinib in CP-CML but their incidence and prognostic significance before any treatment are unclear. To assess if KD mutations at diagnosis may have prognostic significance, we have recently reviewed (before treatment with Imatinib) the mutation status of 45 patients,of whom low risk: 24 patients; intermediate risk: 8 patients; high risk: 13 patients, according to Sokal/Euro. We found that a) no patient with low and intermediate risk showed KD mutations at diagnosis; b) 4/13 high risk patients showed the following mutations at diagnosis: S265R, E255K, F359Y and E255V/E258V; other 5 patients developed mutations during Imatinib treatment (E255V, T315I, E255V/E258V, H396R and D248-274). All patients with low-intermediate risk are alive and well at a median of 44 months (range, 15-71 months). On the contrary, 3/4 high risk patients with KD mutations at diagnosis progressed and died of blastic evolution at 23, 33 and 69 months despite Nilotinib and Dasatinib therapy. Other 3/5 high risk patients who developed mutations under Imatinib, died of blastic evolution at 22, 23 and 43 months despite Nilotinib and Dasatinib treatment. Seven high risk patients are alive under Imatinib between 4 and 51 months. In conclusion, the KD mutations at diagnosis were frequent in high Sokal/Euro risk group supporting the concept that such mutations could be related to the basic biology of the disease. These data, if confirmed, could modify our approach to high risk patients with KD mutation at diagnosis, i.e. utilizing second/third TKI generation earlier during the disease and, in selected cases, reconsidering allografting earlier before leukemic evolution make such procedure useless.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Author notes
Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.