Rh blood group antigens of the D, C/c, and E/e series are carried by at least three red cell membrane polypeptides encoded by two highly related genes, RHD and RHCE. Homozygous individuals carrying the D--, Dc-, and DCw- gene complexes are characterized by a total or partial lack of expression of the RHCE-encoded antigens. Analysis of the molecular genetic basis of these rare conditions indicates that complete or partial expression defect of Cc/Ee antigens result from different alterations at the RH locus, but not from gross deletions. No rearrangement or mutation of the RHCE gene could be detected in donors homozygous for the D-- complex, suggesting that the lack of the Cc and Ee antigens might result from a reduced transcriptional activity of the RHCE gene. The Dc- and DCw- gene complexes, however, exhibited an important rearrangement of the RHCE gene. Instead of the normal RHCE gene, both variants carried a hybrid RHCE-D-CE gene in which exons 4 to 9 (Dc- complex) and 2 (or 3) to 9 (DCw- complex) of the RHCE gene, respectively, have been substituted by the equivalent region of the RHD gene. These gene conversion events provide an explanation for the well- described abnormal antigen profiles associated with the Dc- and DCw- complexes, like the increased expression of RhD, the reduced expression of RhC/c or RhCw, and the absence of RhE/e.
December 15, 1994
Molecular analysis of the structure and expression of the RH locus in individuals with D--, Dc-, and DCw- gene complexes
B Cherif-Zahar,
B Cherif-Zahar
Unite INSERM U76, Institut National de Transfusion Sanguine, Paris, France.
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V Raynal,
V Raynal
Unite INSERM U76, Institut National de Transfusion Sanguine, Paris, France.
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AM D'Ambrosio,
AM D'Ambrosio
Unite INSERM U76, Institut National de Transfusion Sanguine, Paris, France.
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JP Cartron,
JP Cartron
Unite INSERM U76, Institut National de Transfusion Sanguine, Paris, France.
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Y Colin
Y Colin
Unite INSERM U76, Institut National de Transfusion Sanguine, Paris, France.
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Blood (1994) 84 (12): 4354–4360.
B Cherif-Zahar, V Raynal, AM D'Ambrosio, JP Cartron, Y Colin; Molecular analysis of the structure and expression of the RH locus in individuals with D--, Dc-, and DCw- gene complexes. Blood 1994; 84 (12): 4354–4360. doi: https://doi.org/10.1182/blood.V84.12.4354.bloodjournal84124354
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