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Kim Linton, MBChB PhD
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Journal Articles
Andrea Kuhnl, Claire Roddie, PhD MD, Nuria Martinez-Cibrian, Tobias F Menne, MD PhD FRCPath, Kim Linton, MBChB PhD, Sanne Lugthart, Sridhar Chaganti, MDPhDMRCP,FRCPath, Robin Sanderson, MRCP,FRCPath, Maria A V Marzolini, Jane Norman, MD, Wendy Osborne, MD, John Radford, Stephen Robinson, MBBS, PhD BSc, Ram Malladi, Piers E.M. Patten, BSc, MRCP, MRCPath, PhD, Maeve A O'Reilly, MBBCHBAO, Muhammad Saif, MD, Geoff Shenton, Adrian Bloor, FRCPath, Clare J Rowntree, MBBS, PhD FRCP, FRCPath, David A. Irvine, BSc, MBBChir, MRCP, FRCPath, PhD, Orla Stewart, Arzhang Ardavan, Kate Robinson, Antonio Pagliuca, MBBS, MA, FRCP, FRCPath, Kristian M Bowles, MBBS, PhD, Graham P. Collins, MA, MBBS, MRCP, FRCPath, DPhil, Rod Johnson, Andrew K McMillan, FRCP
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 767.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Christopher P Fox, MBChB(Hons), MRCP, FRCPath, PhD, Ayesha S Ali, MSc, Dorothee Auer, MD DM, PhD, Steffi Thust, MD FRCR, Aimee E Jackson, MSc, Louise Hopkins, BSc, MRes, Catherine Thomas, PhDBSc, Nicolas Martinez-Calle, MD MSc, Graham P. Collins, MA, MBBS, MRCP, FRCPath, DPhil, Shireen Kassam, MD, Josh Wright, MD, David Lewis, PhD FRCPath, BSc, Andres JM Ferreri, MD, Sridhar Chaganti, MDPhDMRCP,FRCPath, Jeffery Smith, MBChB BMedSci MRCP FRCPath, Kim Linton, MBChB PhD, Ian Chau, MD, Dominic J. Culligan, MD, Andrew Davies, MD PhD, Roderick Johnson, MD, Kate Cwynarski, PhDMD
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 2879.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Andres JM Ferreri, MD, Jeanette K. Doorduijn, MD PhD, Chiara Cattaneo, MD, Maria Giuseppina Cabras, MD, Jeffery Smith, MBChB BMedSci MRCP FRCPath, Fiorella Ilariucci, Franco Narni, Teresa Calimeri, MD PhD, Alessandro Re, MD, Jahanzaib Khwaja, Barbara Botto, Claudia Cellini, MD, Luca Nassi, Kim Linton, MBChB PhD, Pam McKay, MD, Jacopo Olivieri, Caterina Patti, MD, Francesca Re, Alessandro Fanni, MD, Vikram Singh, MD, Jacoline Bromberg, MD, Kelly Cozens, Elisabetta Gastaldi, Nicola Cascavilla, Andrew Davies, MD PhD, Christopher P Fox, MBChB(Hons), MRCP, FRCPath, PhD, Maurizio Frezzato, MD, Wendy Osborne, MBBS, Anna Marina Liberati, Urban Novak, Renato Zambello, Emanuele Zucca, MD, Kate Cwynarski, PhDMD
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 353.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Stephen Booth, MA,MBBChir,MRCP,FRCPath, Hannah Plaschkes, Amy A Kirkwood, Adam Gibb, MBBS, Patrick Horgan, Joanna M Oladipo, Joseph Andrew Browning, DPhil,BMBCh, Usman Khan, John Willan, Julia Wolf, Arief Gunawan, MBBS, BSc, MRCP, Paul A Fields, MD PhD, Kim Linton, MBChB PhD, Claire Higham, Graham P. Collins, MA, MBBS, MRCP, FRCPath, DPhil, Jaimal Kothari, Catherine Hildyard, Toby A. Eyre
Blood (2019) 134 (Supplement_1): 1615.
Published: 2019
Journal Articles
Nicolas Martinez-Calle, MD #, Edward Poynton, Alia Alchawaf, MD, Shireen Kassam, MD, Matthew Horan, MD, Mark Rafferty, MBBS, BSc, Phillipa Kelsey, MD, Gemma Scott, MD, Stephanie Bruce, MD, Hannah Buckley, MD, Sophie Jones, MD, Yeong Jer Lim, MD, Ngu Loretta, MD, David Lewis, MD, Thankamma Ajithkumar, MD, Dominic J. Culligan, Clare Rowntree, MD, Josh Wright, MD, Pamela McKay, MD, Samih Fourali, MD, Toby A. Eyre, Jeffrey Smith, MD, Wendy Osborne, MD, Deborah Yallop, MBBS FRCP FRCPath PhD, Kim Linton, MBChB PhD, Christopher P. Fox, MD PhD, Kate Cwynarski, MD PhD # (#Shared authorship)
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 572.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Christopher R Flowers, MD MS, Carlos Panizo, MD PhD, Iris Isufi, MD, Alex F. Herrera, MD, Craig Okada, MD PhD, Elizabeth H. Cull, MD, Bela Kis, MD, Jorge M. Chaves, MD, Nancy L. Bartlett, MD, Weiyun Ai, MD PhD, Luis de la Cruz-Merino, MD PhD, Locke J. Bryan, MD, Roch Houot, MD PhD, Kim Linton, MBChB PhD, Javier Briones, MD, Ian Chau, MD, Gottfried R. von Keudell, MD PhD, Hailing Lu, PhD, Frank J Hsu, MD, Ahmad S Halwani, MD
Blood (2018) 132 (Supplement 1): 2892.
Published: 2018
Journal Articles
Elisabeth Schorb, MD, Chris P Fox, Benjamin Kasenda, MDPhD, Teresa Calimeri, MDPhD, Kim Linton, MBChB PhD, Jeffery Smith, MBChB BMedSci MRCP FRCPath, Slavisa Ninkovic, MBBS FRACP FRCPA, Deborah Yallop, MBBS FRCP FRCPath PhD, Hans-Guido Holl, MD, Alberto Fabbri, MD, Thomas E C Cummin, MRCP MBBCh BSc, Gerald Illerhaus, MD, Kate Cwynarski, PhDMD, Andrés J M Ferreri, MD
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 376.
Published: 2017
Journal Articles
Christopher Flowers, MD, Carlos Panizo, MD PhD, Iris Isufi, MD, Alex F. Herrera, MD, Craig Okada, MD PhD, Elizabeth H. Cull, MD, Bela Kis, MD, Jorge M. Chaves, MD, Nancy L. Bartlett, MD, Weiyun Ai, MD PhD, Luis de la Cruz-Merino, MD, Locke J. Bryan, MD, Roch Houot, MD PhD, Kim Linton, MBChB PhD, Javier Briones, MD, Ian Chau, MD, Gottfried R. von Keudell, MD PhD, Hailing Lu, PhD, Frank J Hsu, MD, Ahmad S. Halwani, MD
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 2771.
Published: 2017
Journal Articles
Toby A. Eyre, MBBChir, MRCP, Catherine Hildyard, MRCP, BA, Anesh Panchal, BSc, MSc, Aimee E Houlton, BSc, MSc, Louise Hopkins, BSc, MRes, Angela Hamblin, MD PhD, Kim Linton, MBChB PhD, Andrew Pettitt, FRCPath, PhD, Simon Rule, MD, Kate Cwynarski, PhD MD, Sally Barrington, MBBS, MSc, FRCP, FRCR, MD, David Wrench, MA, MBBChir, FRCPath, PhD, Andrew Davies, PhD, Graham Collins, MD PhD
Blood (2017) 130 (Supplement 1): 5210.
Published: 2017
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