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Hae-Young Kim
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Journal Articles
Claudia R. Morris, MD, Hae-Young Kim, DrPH, John C Wood, MD, Ph.D, Felicia Trachtenberg, PhD, Elizabeth S Klings, MD, John B. Porter, MD, Nancy Sweeters, RN, PNP, Nancy F Olivieri, MD, Janet L. Kwiatkowski, MD, Sylvia Titi Singer, MD, Ali T Taher, MD, Ellis J. Neufeld, MD, PhD, Alexis A. Thompson, MD, MPH, Sandra K Larkin, MS, Jung H Suh, PhD, Elliott Vichinsky, MD, Frans A Kuypers, PhD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 2122.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Claudia R. Morris, MD, Hae-Young Kim, DrPH, John C Wood, MD, Felicia Trachtenberg, PhD, Elizabeth S Klings, MD, John B. Porter, MD, Nancy Sweeters, RN, PNP, Nancy F Olivieri, MD, Janet L. Kwiatkowski, MD, Sylvia Titi Singer, MD, Ali T Taher, MD, Ellis J. Neufeld, MD, PhD, Alexis A. Thompson, MD, MPH, Vandana Sachdev, M.D., Sandra K Larkin, MS, Jung H Suh, PhD, Frans A Kuypers, PhD, Elliott Vichinsky, MD
Blood (2012) 120 (21): 1023.
Published: 2012
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Janet L. Kwiatkowski, Hae-Young Kim, Alexis A. Thompson, Charles T. Quinn, Brigitta U. Mueller, Isaac Odame, Patricia J. Giardina, Elliott P. Vichinsky, Jeanne M. Boudreaux, Alan R. Cohen, John B. Porter, Thomas Coates, Nancy F. Olivieri, Ellis J. Neufeld, for the Thalassemia Clinical Research Network
Blood (2012) 119 (12): 2746–2753.
Published: 2012
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Clinical Trials & Observations
Claudia R. Morris, Hae-Young Kim, Felicia Trachtenberg, John Wood, Charles T. Quinn, Nancy Sweeters, Janet L. Kwiatkowski, Alexis A. Thompson, Patricia J. Giardina, Jeanne Boudreaux, Nancy F. Olivieri, John B. Porter, Ellis J. Neufeld, Elliott P. Vichinsky
Blood (2011) 118 (14): 3794–3802.
Published: 2011
Journal Articles
Brief Report
Nancy F. Olivieri, Yogen Saunthararajah, Vivek Thayalasuthan, Janet Kwiatkowski, Russell E. Ware, Frans A. Kuypers, Hae-Young Kim, Felicia L. Trachtenberg, Elliott P. Vichinsky, for the Thalassemia Clinical Research Network
Blood (2011) 118 (10): 2708–2711.
Published: 2011
Includes: Supplemental data
Journal Articles
Nancy F Olivieri, MD, Yogenthiran Saunthararajah, MD, Vivekanandan Thayalasuthan, MD, Janet Kwiatkowski, MD, Russell E. Ware, MD, PhD, Franz Kuypers, PhD, Hae-Young Kim, DrPH, Elliott P Vichinsky, MD
Blood (2010) 116 (21): 2078.
Published: 2010
Journal Articles
Janet L Kwiatkowski, MD, MSCE, Hae-Young Kim, MS, DrPh, Alexis A. Thompson, Charles T. Quinn, MD, MS, Brigitta U Mueller, Isaac Odame, MBChB, Patricia J Giardina, MD, Elliott P Vichinsky, MD, Jeanne Boudreaux, MD, John B Porter, Thomas Coates, Nancy F Olivieri, MD, Ellis J Neufeld, MD, PhD
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 4056.
Published: 2009
Journal Articles
Charles T Quinn, MD, MS, Valerie L Johnson, MD, PhD, Hae-Young Kim, MS, DrPh, Felicia Trachtenberg, PhD, Maria G Vogiatzi, MD, Janet L Kwiatkowski, MD, MSCE, Ellis J Neufeld, MD, PhD, Ellen Fung, PhD, RD, Nancy F Olivieri, MD, Melanie Kirby-Allen, MD, Patricia J Giardina, MD
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 2008.
Published: 2009
Journal Articles
Claudia R. Morris, MD, Hae-Young Kim, MS, DrPh, Felicia Trachtenberg, PhD, Charles T. Quinn, MD, MS, Nancy F Olivieri, MD, Nancy Sweeters, RN, PNP, Patricia J Giardina, MD, Janet L Kwiatkowski, MD, MSCE, Alexis A. Thompson, MD, Jeanne Boudreaux, MD, Ellis J Neufeld, MD, PhD, Elliott P Vichinsky, MD
Blood (2009) 114 (22): 2016.
Published: 2009
Journal Articles
Titi Singer, Hae-Young Kim, Nancy F Olivieri, Janet Kwiatkowski, Ashutosh Lal, Thomas D. Coates, Susan Carson, Melody J. Cunningham, Patricia J Giardina, Brigitta U Mueller, Charles Quinn, Elliott Vichinsky, Thalassemia Clinical Research Network
Blood (2008) 112 (11): 1880.
Published: 2008
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